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Indicators - Observatory of innovation

R+D+i indicators in Navarra

Browse the main R+D+i data and indicators in Navarra, their evolution over time and compare them with Spain and the European Union. You will be able to browse in six dimensions which include indicators and update the information when new data is available:


Take a look at where, how much is invested in R&D in Navarra and which agents are involved in it.


Have a look at the role of innovative companies, their contribution to innovation in the region and how they improve their competitive position in the field of R+D+i and innovation.


Have a look at who is behind R&D and their profiles. See also which students have chosen to pursue scientific-technical degrees.

Gender gap

The gender gap, as in other areas of society, is also significant in this field, which is why one of the objectives is to monitor the evolution of gender indicators. See how gender indicators in R&D&I are evolving.


R&D and innovation leads to scientific publications, patents, new products or technology exports, among others. Take a look!

Navarra in the European context

How are we doing in terms of innovation in the European context? Understanding this involves analysing, through a panel of indicators, the European index designed by the European Commission with 21 indicators for 240 European regions, called the Regional Innovation Scoreboard (RIS).

Regular infographics

By creating simple and visually attractive graphic representation, we want to show specific analyses of R&D&I in Navarra.

Evaluating public funding for R&D&i

The Innovation Observatory of Navarra is an element of the governance of the Science, Technology and Innovation Plan and therefore evaluates and guarantees the alignment between objectives, instruments and implemented programmes, as well as assess the results achieved.

Interesting research

Take a look at interesting studies in the field of R&D&I.

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